Wednesday, July 15, 2015

With a little work, even a POS guitar can be worth playing ...

Wednesday, July 15, 2015 -- Its been a while since I posted here and I had taken a break from playing every day simply because I had other things to take care of ... work was crazy for a while, requiring me to spend time working on assignments at night. But I digress ...

I'm happy to report that my cheapo Behringer strat is on its way to become a nice playing little guitar. I'm actually a little surprised given my initial evaluation of the guitar.

The tremelo took some work because the thing wouldn't stay in tune worth spit. I watched several YouTube guitar videos about making the Fender-style trem work correctly, though my initial thought was to simply block the damn thing and be done with it. I did take the tremelo arm off, simply because I don't use it. But after a little work adjusting it, I did get it where I wanted it, and it stays reasonably in tune. All my strat copies seem to be more prone to tuning changes ... my best in-tune guitar is my Oscar Schmidt OE-30. I picked it up the first time in weeks today, and it was still in great tune.

The action on the Behringer took some work too. The action was way high (as mentioned in my earlier post). The pickups were way hot to the point the bridge and neck pups sounded distorted. I dropped them down and that sure mellowed the sound! I also fine tuned the bridge saddles to take care of the buzz on some of the frets on the lower strings.

So far, its playing much better, and I'm very, very pleased with it. I'm not sure what the body is made of (basswood?), but it is very lightweight and feels good to play. But lets not forget its a very inexpensive beginner's guitar -- it has a single-ply pickguard, maple fingerboard, and in true Henry Ford style, is available in any color you want -- as long as its black.

ALL ABOUT THE BASS.  I keep plugging away with my PBass clone on a regular basis, determined to try to get accustomed to the bigger scale and much longer neck. I've decided to keep it (imagine that!) and to continue to work at my skills ... which right now simply means getting accustomed to having my left hand get around the fretboard.

I need to get some bass guitar instructional materials ... it would be useful even if I sell this bass because I would likely replace it with a 3/4-scale one.

I have a video lesson from Scott Groves of Groovy Music Lessons on country bass guitar, and I think I'm going to give it a try. I recommend Scott's lessons, he's quite a talented and versatile musician. I wish I could play anything as well as he does!

OTHER GUITARS ON THE HORIZON. Well, I have just about hit critical mass with guitars that I'm able to have in my office without creating a firestorm of crap with my wife. I've been fortunate that I've been able to get all of my guitars at a good price, espeicially the latest acquisitions like the bass and Behringer.

On my want list is a Fender Telecaster of some sort (probably a Squier), and a Gretsch 6120. Actually, I'm looking at a Chinese-made Gretsch copy because I don't have three grand to spend on a guitar. I can get the Chinese Gretch for under $400, which makes it affordable.

Anyway, that's my shopping list. I'm not really looking that hard, I've got other things to take care of -- including trying to improve my playing skills!


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